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Puppy Training

Many of our new customers come visit before taking their new fur baby home.  There are lots of questions during these visits, especially from folks who have never owned a puppy before.  Nearly always, there are long discussions about helping the pup adapt to it's new life during the critical first week at home. We also receive an abundance of phone calls a day or two after a pup has gone to its new home seeking advice to deal with a crying puppy that is keeping the household awake.  


Old school techniques would tell you to let the puppy cry until it gets past this period of high stress.  Research has shown, however, that this just exaggerates the fear the puppy is already experiencing by being in a completely new environment. Avoiding this fear is crucial to building trust and good habits.  Doing so greatly improves the odds of your pup growing in a happy, well-adjusted member of the family.  


To help new owners ensure a successful transition from litter to forever home, Chattahoochee Kennels is proud to announce our first puppy training program.



Puppy Boot Camp / Crate Training
 Week (8-9 weeks old) - $500


This program transitions the pup from sleeping with its siblings in a group to sleeping alone in its own crate.  This is done gradually, at our facility, in the environment that is familiar to them.  The pup learns to enjoy being in a crate (without soiling it) while most of its other daily experiences remain the same.  Seeing their parents and other pups modeling this activity nearby reinforces the desired behavior.


The puppy arrives at its new home accustomed to sleeping in a crate alone - removing a major stress point for both the puppy and the new owners.  This training is ideal for the families who want a head start with crate training and they don't want to deal with an 8 week old puppy missing its littermates and first home.  

John Henry Dooly - at 8 weeks old

The crate used to train your puppy can be loaned to go home with your new baby.  This provides the pup with familiarity and continuity during the transition.  It also relives the new owners of the expense of purchasing a small starter kennel that the puppy will soon outgrow.  A deposit is paid when the pup/crate go home and is refunded in full when the crate is returned to Chattahoochee Kennels.   


In addition to crate training, the Puppy Boot Camp program fee includes your pup's 9 week vet checkup (and 9 week shots), 7 days of food and boarding, daily exercise and socialization with other puppies.


Please note...Consistency once puppy is in your home is the key to success with any type of training.   

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